Vampire therapy (PRP-Platelet Rich Plasma)

Vampire therapy – PRP is a technique that heals skin structure and restores its youth, using the body’s own mechanisms of regeneration, according to the purpose of rejuvenation. This technique relies on growth factors (over 60) that we have stored, in preformed structures, in the peripheral blood and peripheral adult platelet cells. After collecting a quantity of peripheral blood, it is used to obtain sufficient quantities of growth factor-rich and platelet-rich plasma, which will be injected according to aesthetic medicine techniques into the areas where we want to achieve bio-regeneration and skin rejuvenation. The short and long term safety of this method is very good as we only use a method that nature itself has patented and used for as long as there has been life.

How is the procedure performed?

A venous blood sample is taken from the patient. The sample is centrifuged, resulting in the separation into red blood cells, white blood cells and plasma. The plasma thus obtained contains growth and skin regeneration factors and is re-injected intradermally. It is a natural method using autologous cells (one’s own cells).

When are the results noticeable?

The signs of aging (fine lines and deep wrinkles, nasolabial folds, pigmentation spots, large pores, dry, wrinkled and loose skin) gradually fade as the meetings are repeated at one-month intervals to obtain the intended results. The therapy is also used with visible results on improving the appearance of acne scars.

Are there any contraindications?

The risk of immunological phenomena is completely null, given that the body’s own product is fully biocompatible. There is the risk of developing small haematoma (bruising) around the area of injection, which go away in a few days’ time and, after injection, a slight process of local inflammation may occur.


Celebrities love the vampire therapy – PRP

American star Kim Kardashian is one of the biggest supporters of this therapy as she has posted a picture of her after undergoing the PRP facial rejuvenation procedure on her Instagram profile, which has gone around the world.

Vampire therapy – PRP may also be used in the case of hair loss or damage. Initially used in orthopaedics, for restoring tendons and bones after fractures, and, then, in dentistry, in gum rejuvenation, and in plastic surgery for scar healing, the treatment with one’s own blood is used increasingly worldwide for skin rejuvenation on the face, neck, neckline and hands, as well as for restoring hair.


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